4 Steps To Fulfill Your New Year’s Resolution Of Weight Loss


Every new year we make so many promises to ourselves and make loads of resolutions. But within a month the common scenario becomes that we have stopped caring about our resolutions. How many years have you done this where you resolve to lose your weight but then at the end abandon all hopes of actually losing your weight? This can not go on. Otherwise sooner or later you will gain so much weight that the only way to lose weight will be weight reduction surgery. Besides excess weight brings so many many diseases along with it. So why take so much risk? This year, try something new. Follow these 5 steps that will help you stick to your resolution of losing weight and help you succeed by the end of this year ufabet.

Write It Down and Tell People About It
It’s a common response of our brain to always trying to be right. We always try to keep proving others wrong, don’t we? So, why not set a similar situation deliberately. Tell everyone in your family and your friends that you are going to lose a certain amount of weight and your brain will naturally try to prove you right and urge you to meet your goal every day. Also, the more friends discourage you with their usual teasings, the more determined you will be.

Connect Emotionally
You will need to make it more than just an idea, for that weight loss resolution to become a reality. Try to imagine what it would be like once you reach the goal. Making emotional connections will motivate your mind and body to accomplish your resolution. Spend five minutes each morning thinking about those emotional connections to stay motivated every day.

Get a Trainer
Hire a trainer to help you reach your fitness goals after you’ve got your mind and body going in the right direction. The fact someone is waiting for you at the gym after you set weekly appointments will do a lot more to motivate you than if you were going to the gym to work out alone. Once you go to the gym for at least a month you will get in the habit of going regularly.

Don’t Give Up
As the months go by, you will be more inclined to cheat. You might miss one day of working out or eating right and then you will probably make one day into two, then three if you give up. Do the following two things once you hit the three-day mark. First, acknowledge the reasons you’ve slipped up and take responsibility. Second, pick a specific date that you’re going to start again. Choosing a specific date and even a specific time on that day puts you in control of your resolutions and keeps your mind from drifting back into old behaviours.

So, follow these steps and soon you will see the difference in your weight before the year is over. If not, there could be other reasons as to why you are unable to lose weight. In such cases, weight reduction surgery is the best bet.