Natural Grass Vs Synthetic Grass in Perth- Who is The Winner?


If you live in a climate that requires you to water a dry lawn all summer long or in general you hate yard work; you might seriously consider switching to synthetic grass in Perth. While synthetic turf does have its drawbacks, the advantages far exceed it. Precisely for this reason, you need to be aware of all aspects before making a decision Cow Grass Malaysia.


With natural grass, the bare minimum maintenance that is required is to move them during summer rake them during the fall to remove fallen leaves. But to maintain a lawn, you will need to do much more than this bare minimum. To maintain a lush green lawn, one needs to do irrigation and fertilisation during dry weather. Also, you will need to apply pesticides from time to time to keep away insects. Synthetic grass, on the other hand, is much easier to maintain. Synthetic grass does not require mowing, irrigation or fertilising nor does it attract insects and other pests. To remove fallen leaves, one doesn’t need to rake the fields; a broom is enough to remove them.

Look and feel

It’s true that some people don’t like the feel of fake grass under their feet as it’s not the same as natural grass. Also, some homeowners don’t prefer the soft rustling sound that synthetic grass make when walked on. While the feel of this grass might not be to your liking, the look will definitely compensate for it. With high-quality synthetic grass in Perth, one can hardly tell their difference with their natural counterparts. To create a natural, variegated look, some manufacturers even incorporate multicolour blades in the synthetic grass.


Needless to say, installing synthetic turf will cost you significantly more than natural grass as it requires several steps to be performed. But when you consider the regular maintenance costs which you have to incur in case of natural grass, it’s a much more practical option to go for its synthetic alternative. Plus, installing synthetic turf is a one-time investment which means that you don’t have to worry about ongoing maintenance costs.

Environmental impact

In this aspect, it’s tough to determine who the clear winner is. Natural grass acts as an excellent filter for natural runoff, but on the other hand, synthetic turf doesn’t require the use of insecticides and fertilisers which are harmful to the environment. When it comes to synthetic turf, it absorbs heat which is why you might have to resort to air-conditioning while natural grass has the tendency to cool things off. Then again, the mowers and trimmers used for maintaining grass are one of the biggest contributions to air and noise pollution.

So, it’s evident that both natural and synthetic turf both has its pros and cons which is why it will completely depend on your preference as to what you want. But if you are looking to invest for the long term, you should go for synthetic or artificial turf in Sydney. It’s low maintenance and can stand any adverse weather conditions.

But obviously, the quality of these turfs will vary a lot from one company to the other which is why you should make sure that you know all you can about the company from which you are getting it.