The Kentucky Derby Where Even The Rich And Famous Hope To Hit It Big


The Kentucky Derby is dripping with history, prestige, as well as plenty of opportunities to get extraordinarily rich extraordinarily fast. If you’re lucky enough to attend this high profile event, which is filled with the familiar faces of movie stars and the rich and famous, you might want to consider betting big. After all, it’s the Kentucky Derby – where at the drop of a hat derby betting enthusiasts cavalierly wager sums of money that most of us wouldn’t dream of earning in a year.

While it wouldn’t be advisable for you to wager more money than you make in a year in your derby betting strategyA, you should at least bet an amount that makes you feel a little nervous in the service. Whether it’s $100, $500, $5,000, or $50,000, you’ll know how much you can afford to lose and how much it’s going to take to make it exciting for you at the same time. So stay within those limits.

Interestingly, if you want to bet on the Kentucky Derby you can do it several months before the date of the race – or if you prefer to reserve your final decision until just a couple of minutes prior to the start, you can do that too. One of the problems with betting months prior is that if your horse gets injured, or for some reason it can’t make the race, you’ve lost all your money. However, the pay out on advanced bets is a lot better, so (surprise!) it’s a gamble.

Usually, Kentucky Derby Betting fans will not place their bets until the actual day of the race – just to make sure their horse is going to make it to the big event. Some folks, who get too many butterflies thinking about putting all their eggs in one basket, choose to hedge their bets by spreading them out across several horses. They don’t pick one… but they pick several – that way they have a better chance of getting a payout. Then again, they’re also going to lose for sure as well on some of those bets. Still, if you want to get that crazy, once-in-a-lifetime win, put your heart and soul behind one horse, pray to God or lady luck and hope for the best ufabet.

One strategy that a lot of betters use to make sure they pick the right horse is to pay attention to their horse in workouts and other races during the weeks prior to the race. They like to watch the way the horse runs – and other behavioral clues to make sure that the horse is doing okay.

Most people can’t make it to the Kentucky Derby, but fortunately with the power of the internet and various online poker sites, you can be there virtually and experience the same kind of betting rewards and the same kind of nervous excitement that everyone else at the event is experiencing. Luckily, though, you aren’t spending money on hotels, flights, and other travel costs just to be there – so maybe you should include that money in your bet! Or just bet the amount you would have spent to get to the Kentucky Derby… if you lose it, you can consider it no money lost! But most importantly, you should remember that if you don’t make a wager, you have no chance of winning… The payout is definitely worth it when you win, so why not place your bet? Anything – just do it! And good luck to you!